Insurance Claims

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We Help You File an Insurance Claim

Call us at 317.886.1416 to check your roof for damage. Our people know how to find storm damage on roofs, siding and gutters. We will do two types of inspections – one for if the storm damaged your roof and one just to see how it is doing in general.

When the worst happens and you need to file an insurance claim, it can be a confusing and overwhelming process. It’s not something that most of us think about until we find ourselves in a situation where we need to do it. But don’t worry — there are ways to make filing an insurance claim easier. This blog post will provide a few tips on how you can make the process go more smoothly.

Know Your Policy Inside and Out

Before you file a claim, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of your policy. Knowing exactly what is covered under your policy can help you determine if filing a claim is worth the time and effort. If your policy covers only minor damage, it may be better to just pay out of pocket rather than going through the hassle of filing an insurance claim.

Gather All Necessary Documents

Once you’ve decided to file an insurance claim, you should gather all the necessary documents before submitting them. These documents may include any receipts for repairs you have already made, photos of the damaged property, police reports or estimates from repair professionals. Having all these documents on hand will make the process much faster and smoother for both yourself and your insurer.

Work with Professionals Who Understand Insurance Claims

Filing an insurance claim doesn’t have to be done alone—there are many professionals who can help guide you through this process if needed. These professionals understand how complicated and stressful this process can be for home owners, so having someone knowledgeable on your side can make all the difference when filing a claim. Many of these services have years of experience working with different types of claims and know exactly what documents are required in order for the claim to go through quickly and without issue.

When to Consider Insurance Claims

When the unexpected happens, it is important to consider insurance claims. By protecting your assets and financial well-being, you can ensure that you are covered in the event of an unforeseen circumstance. With insurance, you can be sure that you are prepared for any situation that may arise.

Roofing Insurance Claims

If your roof is in need of repair or replacement due to severe weather, it may be time to file an insurance claim. Severe weather, such as hail or wind, can cause significant damage to your roof and shingles. Filing an insurance claim can help you cover the cost of repairs or replacement. 


Gutter Insurance Claims

If your gutters are damaged due to hail, wind, or other extreme weather, filing an insurance claim may be necessary. Damaged gutters can lead to water damage in your home, so it’s essential to make sure that they are repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Filing an insurance claim can help you cover the cost of repairs or replacement.

Siding Insurance Claims

Like your roof, your siding can be damaged due to severe weather. If your siding is cracked, dented, or missing due to hail, wind, or other extreme weather, filing an insurance claim may be necessary. Filing an insurance claim can help you cover the cost of repairs or replacement.

Need A Free Estimate?

With two decades of success, M&J Exteriors is here to make sure you’re taken care of! Roofing, siding, and gutters made easy – get a free estimate today and see why we have been delivering customer satisfaction for 20 years.

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